Growing in the Spirit
Spiritual formation can, and should be defined, not merely as a singular act of alteration of one's spirit at the moment of salvation; rather the continual development of and manifestation of Christ into the life, spirit and nature of each believer who chooses to obediently seek after God. The progressive transformation has a liberating effect on the believer as the seek the Lord. In 2 Corinthians the apostle Paul writes “For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom”.In the book Spiritual formation Is… Early and Dempsey write with reference to the following verse that “Spiritual formation is for every believer, not just the spiritually elite, not just the mystical, not just the introverted, not just the highly disciplined, and not just the people who have no problems in their lives. All of us can’t and must put ourselves in a position to receive the grace of God to be changed into the image of Jesus.” God does not set spiritual formation and development a exclusionary offering to only those whom he has preordained rather, he offers it freely to all who seek him and follow the guidance of the word and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. This seems self evident when stated, yet so often believers choose to seek their own path and will over the word and spirit, thus remaining in there spiritual infancy for their whole lives.
Spiritual formation has many degrees to discuss, yet if broken down into relational section there remain three; namely our relationship with God, our relationship to the body of Christ (believers), our relationship to the world (neighbors). The manner in which we engage in these relationships reveal the health of the spiritual formation taking place in a believer's life. Yahweh told Israel via Hosea that “I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings.” By this God is not expressing that He would rather have a relationship with His people rather than simple ritualism that is left on the altar. Jesus exposed the hypocrisy of his opponents by reminding them of this as recorded by Matthew in 9:13. Timeless desire for His people to seek Him is as unchanging as God is. Yet, how does the believing body grow in their knowledge of God, their love expression for Him? By the renewing of our mind with the word of God as it says in Romans 12:2. By hiding His words in our hearts. It’s never odd to hear someone quoting their favorite movie or sing a song written by their favorite artist, yet often believers hesitate to quote the word our God. Worse yet, believers don’t take the time to meditate and memorize the words of God. Add to this the focus prayer of faith, intercessory prayer, prayer of thanksgiving and worship all too often believers forget to call their Father, unless of course they are in crisis. Jesus demonstrated so many ways to honor the Father throughout his life with prayer fasting and loving. In how to pray its “...May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven”, not can I do it my way and You bless it. Jesus sought God’s will in His prayers and actions. Spiritual formation is in the pursuit of obedience to God, in seeking after Him, praying for the indwelling of the spirit.
The more obedient believers become in their walk with God, the more they will become relationally involved within the body of the church. In discussing how we are to love our brothers and sister in Christ Dempsey and Earley in Spiritual Formation is… state “The way we love our brothers and sisters is to follow all of the one another’s in the New Testimament and use our spiritual gifts to build one another up in the Lord’s service.” Believers are called to care for and nurture each other as family acknowledging the gifts of each. Romans 12:10 “Love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other.” The love that stems from spiritual formation is genuine, never envious; it delights in the successes of the others in the Kingdom work and seek to honor them for it. In a breakdown of one of the great encouragers of God’s people Barnabas from the book Servants of a Servant, Dr. Howell Writes “ it takes little foresight or creativity to carp at, criticize, and deflate the struggling hopes of brothers and sisters engaged in spiritual warfare. The encourager is one who nurtures hope by drawing on the resources of the Lord who transcends all human limitations.” Baranbas made intercession on behalf of his breathers such a habitual practice that scriptures reveal that none around him were needy (Acts 4:34). That is the testimony of the spiritual transformed those who have continued to follow the leadership of the spirit in obedience.
Believers that continue in their spiritual formation will also bear fruit in the world. The love of God will flow to those outside of the believing body and begin to reveal to the unbelieving world the nature of God. By the intercessory prayers for the unbelieving world lifted up by the saints of God. Bill Graham once said, “To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.” By the healing hugs and hands outstretched to the hurting. By the breaking of bread with those that are diametrically opposed to God we can reveal love to them. By listening without judging offering them love in return. God did not send his son to condemn the world, rather God “...wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” The deeper into our spiritual formation gets, the more God places on the hearts, the more calling expands and the clearer the connection to the Holy Spirit becomes. All that need be done is be obedient and wholly devoted.
Bilingual Bible NLT = Biblia Bilingüe NTV. (2018). Carol Stream, IL, U.S.A. :: Tyndale House Publisher.
Blanchard, K. H., Hodges, P., & Hendry, P. H. (2016). Lead like Jesus revisited: Lessons from the greatest leadership role model of all time. Nashville, TN: W Publishing Group, an imprint of Thomas Nelson.
DEMPSEY, R. (2018). SPIRITUAL FORMATION IS: How to grow in jesus with passion and confidence. BROADMAN & HOLMAN PUB.
Howell, D. N. (2003). Servants of the servant: A biblical theology of leadership. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.